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Friday, October 30, 2009

Buying Real Estate In USA For Foreigners

If you want to buy real estate in USA, then your first steps will most likely be a bit tricky. While there's a big chance that you will find some wonderful deals in the US property market, there is also the chance that you may make some bad deals.

That shouldn?t stop you from investing, however. It should just make you more aware of the importance of due diligence. Below are the two most important things to consider.

How To Buy Real Estate In USA:

1. Always be conscious of the tax implications for foreign investors: Your choice to invest in US real estate will most likely depend on the amount of tax that you need to pay when purchasing the property. This includes property, capital gains, and transfer tax.

As a non-citizen of the US, there are certain tax implications that will be involved when you purchase real estate in USA - and additional ramifications when a foreigner sells property in the US.

It?s not all bad news though. You may also have tax breaks available to you. The US is doing its best to encourage foreign investment at this time especially given the tough economic climate.

The main thing you need to know about how to buy real estate in USA is exactly what your tax implications will be, good or bad. This will help you make a well informed bid, and keep your purchase in line with your budget.

2. Look at the local economy: When it comes to investing in US real estate, the local situation is more important than the overall one. Currently, pretty much every city in the USA has been affected by the recession, so your goal is to find one that is bucking the trend.

That means a decent economy, low crime and good schools. What?s even more important than the actual figures, is whether there?s been an increase or decrease in positive economic news compared to prior years. Basically, when looking at how to buy real estate in USA, look for a town that is poised for recovery, not sinking further into depression.

If you're looking for a good indicator of this, check out the number of people moving into the city. According to the National Association of Realtors, some of the hottest US markets for foreign investors are in Florida, Texas, Arizona and California.

If you keep these 2 things in mind when looking at how to buy real estate In USA, you?ll be able to avoid costly mistakes and make a well informed, and profitable long term investment.

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